February 2020 Monthly Review
2 min readMar 2, 2020
disclaimer: these reviews are for my own personal accountability and aren’t really meant to be articulate blog posts. if you are curious about anything I write here, feel free to email me at nichole.lynn.bennett <at> gmail.com
highlights from the past month
- 3-day Intimacy Director Intensive in Houston
- did a pilot of the climate change dramaturgy project with Michelle Dahlenburg’s Theater and Dance in the Community class at Texas State
- facilitated class in Drama-Based Pedagogy with Courtney
- performed as ‘Squire Hardman in Sweet Ermengarde in Frontera Fest
- finished up Pandemic Legacy with Peter, Marc, and Heath
- started working on a podcast for Planet Texas 2050 on why climate change needs the humanities with Heather Houser
- gave the keynote and was on a panel for ComSciCon Houston
- finished (almost) the ICA Handbook chapter comparing science, environment, and risk communication
lessons learned from last month
- work is not just stuff that other people call work — it’s also resting and eating well and being sweet to myself
theme or emotion that sums up the month
- sauntering along
outcome of last month’s goal, projects completed
- ICA handbook chapter (nearly) complete
- ComSciCon keynote talk
- pilot climate change dramaturgy community work with Texas State class
- morning pages and meditation and movement about 1/3 of the time
goals for the month ahead
science communication
- get preliminary data on word counts for ICA book chapter
- revise science communication fellowship paper and submit to journal
- Center for Media Engagement public opinion of science survey vetted and ready to go
- parameters for science communication twitter scrape finalized
- garden
- meditate daily
- morning pages daily
- evening routine
- daily joyful movement
- burlesque/dance classes
media consumed in the last month
- Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry
- Birds of Prey
- Night on Earth (episode 1)
- The Witcher (episode 1)
- Shrill (season 2)
- Watchmen (season 1)
- Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor
- The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World
- Theatre for Community Conflict and Dialogue: The Hope Is Vital Training Manual