March 2020 Monthly Review
disclaimer: these reviews are for my own personal accountability and aren’t really meant to be articulate blog posts. if you are curious about anything I write here, feel free to email me at nichole.lynn.bennett <at>
highlights from the past month
- Applied Drama and Theatre Project of Significance Proposal
- Drama Based Pedagogy and Practice Micro Teach on Dear Martin
- Drama Based Pedagogy and Practice field and micro teach observations
- Applied Drama and Theatre Seminar Facilitation on Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed
- Weekend trip to Wimberly with Marc
- Strange Double Spring Break amidst COVID-19
- ICA handbook chapter (nearly) complete
- starting weekly Facetimes with Caitlin
- virtual tea with Lindsey
- went to virtual grad school
- more time for making food
- setting up raised beds
- learning ukulele again
- practicing drawing again
lessons learned from last month
theme or emotion that sums up the month
slumbering, dreaming
outcome of last month’s goal, projects completed
ICA handbook chapter (nearly) complete
unstructured whimsy time, learning to be enough and be done with work for the day
goals for the month ahead
- fellowship paper revised
- website draft published
- ICA paper off to publishers
- final projects for classes
- STEMprov online workshops
- healthy routines (meditation, morning pages)
- daily joyful movement
- intuitive eating
- gardening
- play ukulele
- draw
- reaching out to people
media consumed in the last month
- Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- The Artist is Present
- Galapagos
- Witcher
- Bob’s Burgers
- Night on Earth
- Scripting Detention: A Project in Theater and Autoethnography with Incarcerated Teens
- How Long ’til Black Future Month?
- Equity, Exclusion and Everyday Science Learning: The Experiences of Minoritised Groups
- The Stone Sky (The Broken Earth, #3)
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
- Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice
- Beginner’s Guide to Community-Based Arts
- To Teach: The Journey, in Comics
- The Obelisk Gate (The Broken Earth, #2)
- Theatre for Youth Third Space: Performance, Democracy, and Community Cultural Development
- The Art of Relevance
- On Photography
- The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1)
- How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading
board games
- Fireball Island
- Pandemic Legacy
- Pandemic Legacy Season 2
video games
- World of Goo
- The Witness