April 2020 Monthly Review
3 min readMay 1, 2020
disclaimer: these reviews are for my own personal accountability and aren’t really meant to be articulate blog posts. if you are curious about anything I write here, feel free to email me at nichole.lynn.bennett <at> gmail.com
- bewilderment
- making a difference
- brilliance
- daring
- joy
- authenticity
- imagination
- intimacy
- justice
highlights from the past month
- surviving/pandemic/learning rest
- cast in Icebox podcast, had our first table read
- fieldwork for Drama Based Pedagogy
- shaved my hair into a mohawk and bleached it to dye it turquoise but it looked cool as blond with pink tips so I kept it there
- Museum Theater Afrofuturism piece for pre-service nursing students and galleries for Black Studies
- played some rpgs and board games online with friends
- talked with our Global Classroom partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina about our drama-based facilitation plan
- wrote up a blog post for Planet Texas about Marie Lorenz’s Graybelt piece
- trained public health officials and toxicologists in science communication
- Facilitated Jay Banner’s Planet Texas 2050 class on logic models as tools for collaboration
- using Stardew valley to shut off and relax
- bartering stuff (sourdough starter, seeds, crafts) with friends
lessons learned from last month
- I don’t have to label everything, including myself. And it doesn’t need to be a single label.
- I want to learn more and practice non-attachment more.
- Thinking a lot about the “how” of my work. (the subversiveness of being fully myself as a joyful artist/activist/scholar in academia)
- theme or emotion that sums up the month
- foggy hope
- mindfulness
- compassion
outcome of last month’s goal, projects completed
- fieldwork for Drama Based Pedagogy (facilitation plans for youth activated climate change plays)
- Museum Theater Afrofuturism piece for pre-service nursing students and galleries for Black Studies
- ICA Handbook chapter comparing Environmental, Risk, and Science Communication done
goals for the month ahead
- finish up second year of doctorate — class project crunch
- then rest
- then set goals for summer
- then on to revising science communication fellowship paper
- joyful movement, taking rest time, doing stuff for whimsy
- what it means to always be where I am, what joy looks like in these spaces
media consumed in the last month
- JoJo Rabbit
- Children of Blood and Bone
- Daughter Detox: Recovering from An Unloving Mother and Reclaiming Your Life
- Playbuilding as Qualitative Research: A Participatory Arts-Based Approach
- Drama-based Pedagogy: Activating Learning Across the Curriculum
- Don’t Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions
- Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies: And Other Rituals to Fix Your Life, from Someone Who’s Been There
- Social Acupuncture
- The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work
- The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation
- The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
- Soul Music (Discworld #16)
board games/rpgs
- Love Letter
- Find/Fix/Finish
video games
- Stardew Valley